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I'm <REDACTED>, a newbie programmer located in <REDACTED>.

<About Me.>

A Short(ish) Biography While Wearing A Tinfoil Hat.

September 20, 2022 by SGTDIDDLYWINK

If you can't tell from the side panel, I'm sgtdiddlywink and that's pretty much all you're getting on this web page. Not saying I'm invisible online and no one could figure out who I was given half hour of free time but I want to try my best to limit what information is easily available to the public. So let's go wtih sgtdiddlywink and keep it simple.

I'm a structural engineer by education and a decade or so of work. I've had the opportunity to do a lot of cool things in the construction industry. I can't really complain as I enjoyed it (still enjoy it?).

I have had the chance to work at several different companies and in several different locations, which I'm really grateful for. It's given me more world experience than I ever assumed I would get going to school.

I'm a Runner. I've been doing it since I was a kid and I don't see a time that I'll ever stop doing it. Slow down, take breaks, and occasional sabbaticals? Absolutely, but I'll always come back to it.

I'm a Gamer. Not a hardcore gamer but I'll brag a bit when I say I beat Halo 2 on Legendary in under 3hrs. Lot's of tears and rage. Gaming has always been a joy of mine and it's ultimately led me to making this website so no real complaints.

I'm a Dungeon Master. I think the first time I played D&D was back in my pre-teens. The group kind of sucked (what do you expect from a group at that age) and ultimately none of us had a clue what we were doing. Fast forward through a variety of groups and now I currently find myself in a fantastic party. It's been great and a ton of fun. For those who have never given it a try, I would definitely recommend it at least once.

I'm a techy? I say that with a question mark because I would say that I'm still fairly new to all of this. I have always enjoyed tech but it wasn't until I built my first computer that I really got sucked into it. Fast forward some years and I finally convinced myself to move away from the expensive hardware and into the software. Though, I still love messing with the hardware.

©2022 Copyright by sgtdiddlywink

This website was written by sdgtdiddlywink utilizing HTML and CSS. I'll hopefully learn JS one day and add some cool features... maybe.