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I'm <REDACTED>, a newbie programmer located in <REDACTED>.

<Projects I'll Never Finish.>

I Really Hope I Have Some Future Projects To Put Here Other Than This Website.

September 20, 2022 by SGTDIDDLYWINK

Let's call this website my first published project. A lot of folks probably wouldn't say it was much but I'm pretty darn proud of it. Especially after I saw how easy it is to create a website on wordpress or one of those other websites.

I feel kind dumb for writing out all of this and doing the formatting myself but overall still proud of it. I'll make it official with a link to my first github repository. Here's to hoping I'll get around to more.

GitHub Link for the sgtdiddlywink Website.

Once I get this website polished and looking a bit better I want to start cleaning up some of my python projects to upload to github. Nothing fancy, just little projects to help me learn. Stay tuned for more updates there.

Last but not least, I'll be working on Tildaloo's website. Hopefully, that one won't be as much of a struggle bus for me as this one has been.

©2022 Copyright by sgtdiddlywink

This website was written by sdgtdiddlywink utilizing HTML and CSS. I'll hopefully learn JS one day and add some cool features... maybe.