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I'm <REDACTED>, a newbie programmer located in <REDACTED>.

<A Series of Random Reviews.>

A Place To Store All Of My Thoughts On Things.

September 21, 2022 by SGTDIDDLYWINK

Similar to everything else on this website, I hope to one day populate this with reviews. I’ll probably start with the easy things like video games, books, and movies.

I read a lot (actually I listen but close enough) of books and have been hooked on a couple podcasts. Lately, it's been a podcast called Darknet Diaries (Highly Recommend).

Generally, I don’t watch a lot of movies but October is right around the corner and that is where things get particularly fun. My partner and I have a yearly tradition to watch a horror movie every day of the month of October. We’re going on year 4 now and I have seen some truly horrific stuff. Both in a bad way and a good way.

I play a lot of games. There is one in particular that is at the top of my mind that I’ll be targeting. It’s a special love/hate relation but I just hit a 1000 hrs in the game and truly feel ashamed about it.

Keep an eye out as these will be sporadic and involve a lot of pointless rambling.

©2022 Copyright by sgtdiddlywink

This website was written by sdgtdiddlywink utilizing HTML and CSS. I'll hopefully learn JS one day and add some cool features... maybe.